Shelby Township Mi Dental Implant Dentist

Curious about dental implants? You’ve come to the right place! There’s never been a better time to schedule a consultation with our dental implant dentist in Shelby Township, MI. During your appointment, Dr. Nazarian will be able to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for the dental implant procedure. From there, he’ll be able to outline a treatment plan so you can start smiling with confidence again in no time.

In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about dental implant treatment.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth root that’s made out of a titanium alloy. This implant fuses to your jawbone, creating a stable foundation for a dental crown. Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants are a long-term solution. This is because they help prevent bone loss in the jaw and don’t slip while you’re trying to speak or eat.

What Happens During the Dental Implant Procedure?

Once you’re numb, Dr. Nazarian will place a custom surgical guide over the implant site. Then, he’ll drill a hole into the jaw and place the implant deep in the bone.

Next, Dr. Nazarian will place a temporary crown over the tooth implant. That way, you won’t have to feel self-conscious about missing a tooth while in recovery.

Over the course of three to six months, the implant will fuse to the jawbone. This is a process called osseointegration. During this time, Dr. Nazarian will check on your progress to ensure you’re healing as expected.

Once osseointegration is complete, Dr. Nazarian will place the permanent dental crown over the implant. This will give you the full function and appearance of a natural tooth.

Does it Hurt to Get Dental Implants?

No, you won’t feel any pain during the dental implant surgery. Your safety and comfort are always our highest priority. That’s why Dr. Nazarian will explain all the risks involved with your level of sedation.

If you’re only getting one or two implants, Dr. Nazarian may use local anesthesia. You’ll feel a small pinch as we inject the local anesthetic into the gums. But this sensation will quickly give way to numbness.

If you need more intensive dental work, we may use IV sedation. With IV sedation, you’ll still be awake and aware during the procedure. But it’ll feel more like a dream and your concept of time will be faster. When the sedation wears off, you’ll remember little to nothing of your procedure.

Why Should I Get Dental Implants?

A dental implant provides more stability than other tooth replacement options. This is because it’s embedded deep in your jawbone. As such, you’ll be able to eat, speak, laugh, and smile with confidence. Unlike dentures, dental implants don’t slip.

Also, keep in mind that when you lose a tooth your body will start to absorb the minerals in your jaw to use elsewhere. If left untreated, bone loss in the jaw can lead to a condition called facial collapse. This can make it difficult or uncomfortable to wear dentures. It’ll also give your face a sunken appearance.

Dentures don’t solve the problem of jawbone deterioration because they sit on top of the gums. But dental implants act like natural tooth roots, keeping the jaw healthy for years to come.

Are Dental Implants Right for Me?

You may be a candidate if you have enough bone density in your jaw to support dental implants. Otherwise, Dr. Nazarian may recommend that you get a dental bone graft.

In general, you may not be a candidate for dental implants if you smoke. This is because smoking inhibits the body’s natural healing ability after surgery. For this reason, non-smokers will be preferred over smokers for dental implant treatment.

Keep in mind that each patient is different. You won’t know if you’re a candidate until you schedule an appointment with Dr. Nazarian.

Schedule a Dental Implant Consultation

Dr. Ara Nazarian is proud to serve as your trusted dental implant dentist in Shelby Township, MI. As such, he’d be more than happy to help you explore your tooth replacement options. To schedule an appointment, please call the Premier Dental Center at (248) 457-0500. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.

This blog post has been updated.